Online Software Update
- same as Version 1.53
- 21.11.2022 diverse Anpassungen für PHP8.1
to install the new features take a look at: Software Update
11.12.2016 Version 1.53
- Subfolders for "daten": "backup" und "temp". Old Versions are in "backup" and temporary in "temp".
- TinyMCE CodeSample: Keyboard Shortcut: Strg+Alt+Y
- Online-Update changed to https
- mod-rewrite: No Input File Specified. fastcgi as PHP Handler and mod_rewrite: RewriteRule changed
- htmldiff included to show differences to old versions
- Keywords can be added under "Meta-Description", use #Keyword1#Keyword2, ... new Variables: $hashtags and Array: $hashtagarray, and the function topicshavinghashtag
- $firstparturl and https was not working
- Added a class for Topic-Details, it is used in buildpage.php for loading details. (the class LibeArticle is in functions.php)
- buildpage.php: some Sourcecode cleanup and speed optimizations: The file: dat_menu_file.dat will not be used for loading files: All Informations for building topics and the menustructure are now in "dat_menu.tsv". If you update LiBeCMS, please save any topic to update the file.
- If an article is not published, all sub-articles are also not published
- Update: TinyMCE 4.4.2, as Codesample does not work in newer Versions https://community.tinymce.com/communityQuestion?id=90661000000If48AAC
- Update: Bootstrap 3.3.7
- Update: jquery to Version 3.1.1
- Update lightbox to 2.9.0
- Mobile-Detect to Version 2.8.24
- Updated Bootstrap Templates.
27.03.2016 Version 1.52
- URLs for new articles are now in lower-case
- 301 if an non-existing article is called in lower-case to the existing article
- JQuery 2.2.1
- TinyMCE 4.3.4
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Lightbox 2.8.2
- Mobile-Detect Version 2.8.19
- Plugin Superfish Version 1.7.7 (is not used in the Templates)
- TinyMCE Keyboard Shortcuts:
- strg+alt+1-6 for Headlines (ctrl+1 does not work in Google Chrome)
- strg+alt+b for Bold
- strg+alt+c for Code
- strg+alt+x for Pre
- strg+alt+s for samp
- new Variable $bottomload to call all Scripts at the bottom, for a faster pageloading
05.10.2015 Version 1.51
- TinyMCE File / Save added
- Sourcecode Editor is now Codemirror including MatchTags (editarea removed)
- Testtemplate via Cookie:activates the Testemplate in the Editor, so that changes are made to the Testtemplate not to the Production Template
- Bootstrap Templates: dynamic width for Videos
- Use the whole Site for Nestable.js: better scrolling
- Warning if a topic is opened in a second Window
- TinyMCE 4.2.6
28.07.2015 Version 1.50
- new Variables $pubdate and $changedate ... to display change and publishing date
- Mod-Rewrite works now without running in the root of the webservber
- custom Mod-Rewrite URL are now not visible for the function singleurl
- Images: Lightbox Images will not use a <a href Link in the editor, the link is now generated by jquery in the Frontend.
- Improvements in selecting the picture size
- Improvements in the Editor
- Bootstrap Templates: some HTML Improvements
- jQuery 1.11.3 Warning: change the jQuery version in the Sourcecode of your old Templates
- TinyMCE toVersion 4.2.1
- Plugin Superfish toVersion 1.7.5
- AnythingSlider ato Version 1.9.4
- Mobile-Detect to Version 2.8.15
- Twitter Bootstrap to 3.3.5
- Lightbox to Version 2.8.1 (Lightbox sould be called at the end of the sourcecode)
16.03.2015 Version 1.49
- some small Template Updates
- Mobile Detect to Version 2.8.11
- auth.php goto the actual Page in Backend after Passwort insert
12.02.2015 Version 1.48
- uploaded Video Files are recognized and imported as HTML5 Video
- some small Template Updates
16.12.2014 Version 1.47
- Warnings if the page was not saved
- Admin Menu CSS optimization for Mobile Devices
- New Feature to edit Templates, the corresponding Templates will be included in the next version
- removed old Templates
30.10.2014 Version 1.46
- next_topic was empty if a new topic was not saved
- some small improvements in the Backend
- JQuery ajax Spamfilter for Feedbackmodule
- new simple Usercounter including the same Spamfilter logic.
16.10.2014 Version 1.45
- use Ctrl + V to upload images directly from clipboard using Google Chrome as Webbrowser
- COOKIE: login_admin contains a random number to save the menus collapse state for each PC (Cookie) and not for the IP address.
- Topics may be published in the future by disabling "publish" without setting the date in future.
12.10.2014 Version 1.44
Nestable Drag and Drop Menu: Collapse State for Nestable gets saved after changes. Bug for the new "add Links Function" solved: path was sometimes wrong.
for older ChangeLog take a look at the original German Topic: Changelog