has some build in  templates, they can be selected in "Settings" "change layout"

If you hava a little html and css knowledge you can create or customize templates.
A source code editor is also available online via "Settings", "Change Layout", "EDIT"


(This assumes, of course, write access to the respective files of the template: chmod)

the Folder: template

this is where the Templates resides

a template consists of at least the following files (color coded)


and usually from a few image files, or other template files (css, ...) as shown in this screenshot.


File Description
index.php this is called when the respective template is selected (active)
template_mini.png Screenshot: thumbnail of templates for template selection in the "change layout" menu
template_description.htm Description for the template (used in "change layout")
tinymce.css css Files for TinyMCE Editor (to adapt TinyMCE to the template)

Standardbild: is used for menu overview when in the article is no image.

create a template

just copy an existing template or create a new folder with the files described above.

Content of the index.php File:

the index.php contains the HTML code, Variables, and menus can be loaded via php code
that is, A standard HTML template (without the php code) can be easily copied into a template folder and be filled with the following variables:

Path root / Template

to guarantee that the path to external files is correct you should use the following variables:

<?php echo $firstparturl;?> is the path to the root directory of the website

<?php echo $firstparturl,$templatedir;?> is the path to your own template directory
for example, can css files (in the template folder) be integrated as follows:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $firstparturl,$templatedir;?>main.css" />

that is, is an HTML template taken as a template, we need only <?php echo $firstparturl,$templatedir;?> before each Insert file that is loaded with HTML (if this is in the template folder)


Javascript residing in the plugin folder looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $firstparturl;?>plugins/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>

Variables / Arrays

Variables Description html Code
$firstparturl absolute Path to the Root URL

<?php echo $firstparturl;?>

writes for example:

$templatedir Path to the used template, mostly used together with $firstparturl

<?php echo $firstparturl,$templatedir;?>

writes for example:

$templatename the name of the used template

<?php echo $templatename;?>

in the previous used example: mytemplate

$title Title of the page (can be edited in Editor)   <title><?php echo $title;?></title>

in Editor:  

<?php echo $menutitle;?>

short description:


<?php echo $smalldescription;?>
$addfeedback <?php echo $addfeedback;?>

Meta Description of the Page:

<?php if (!empty($meta)) echo "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"", $meta,"\" />";?>
$page_title Title of the whole Page, found in Settings    <?php echo $page_titel;?>
$page_description Description of the whole Page, found in Settings  <?php echo $page_description;?>
$start is 1 if it is the startpage  <?php if ($start==1) ... ?>

Shows the Content of the Article, defined in TinyMCE Editor:   

<?php echo $text;?>

Link to the Main Menu, Example :HOME > Menu > Submenu


to manipulate the HTML_Code use the breadcrumb function instead

<?php if (!empty($article)) echo $backlink;?>
$prev_topic Link to the previous article in this menu <?php if (!empty($prev_topic)) echo "<", $prev_topic, " ";?>
$next_topic Link to the next article in this menu <?php if (!empty($next_topic)) echo " ", $next_topic, ">";?>

gets the value 1 if an submenu exists

<?php if ($existing_sub==1) ... ?>

has the value of the Link Depth: HOME = 0; 

Main menu = 1
Submenu of the main menu = 2
Submenu of submenu of the main menu = 3

 <?php if ($level==1) ...?> the active article is a main menu of the 1 st level (link depth)
$menuforlevel[$level] Shows the title ("title for menu items") of a main menu for a particular submenu   <?php echo $menuforlevel[1];?> Title of the main menu of the 1 st level (link depth) if a submenu of the main menu is selected
$urlforlevel[$level] Displays the URL of a main menu for a particular submenu

<?php echo $firstparturl,$urlforlevel[1];?> first link depth

<?php echo $firstparturl,$urlforlevel[$level];?> currently active level

<?php echo $firstparturl,$urlforlevel[$level-1];?> Hauptmenü der aktiven Ebene (eine Ebene drüber)

Main menu of the active article (an article over it)

$titleforlevel[$level] Shows the title ("Title") of a main menu for a particular submenu <?php echo $titelforlevel[1];?> or <?php echo $titelforlevel[$level];?>  ...


$article variable is created out of the url: is the last part of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']

$file is like $article and in addition has the startpage included


Systemarrays: $menuarray, $previewarray, $titlearray,$titlemenuarray, $menulevel, $datumarray, $fileandpathnamearray, $smalldescriptionarray, $newsentryarray


New since version 1.40: Global Variables to manipulate the html-Sourcecode or css classes ($ css_class_ ..., $ html_template, ...?) This "global" variables must be defined simply before the function is called.

Function Description html Code
buildmenu($startlevel, $endlevel, $endlevel_active_menu)

generates links of a mainmenu

startlevel:1 means menu from the beginning first level; endlevel: 0 (unlimited): shows all submenus; Usecase is a Articleoverview and thumbnails of the articles.  It can also be used for a mainmenu but it is not optimized for nested menus


creates menu links
start: 1 means Menu from the 1 st level (main menu), end: 0 (unlimited): thus shows all submenus; Should be used with thumbnails for menu overview, but can also be used for the main menu (but not nested)


Global Variables:







HTML Template:

$html_template="<tr><td style=\"text-align:center\"><div class=\"level_%menulevel%_%start_level%%end_level%%end_this%\" style=\"max-height:150;overflow:hidden;float:left;\"><a class=\"%activeclass%\" href=\"%linkurl%\"><img width=\"150\" alt=\"%titlemenu%\" src=\"%image150%\"></a></div></td>


HTML Template Variables














<?php echo buildmenu(1,1,0);?> startlevel:1 means Menu beginning  from the 1 st level (main menu), 

endlevel: 1 means only main menu;

endlevel_active_menu = 0 shows submenus when they are active.


buildmenuul($endlevel, $submenu,$collapse,$limit)

generates a menu or nested menu list <ul><li>: buildmenuul should be used for the main menu of the page (can also be a dropdown menu).

$endlevel: 0 .. unlimited: 1: only for main menues; 2: main menu and first sub level


in addition the following global variables can be used:


Global Variables:










 <?php echo "<ul>".buildmenuul(1,0,3)."</ul>";?> 

Dropdownmenu and no submenues, collapse sub menus to level 3


 <?php echo "<ul>".buildmenuul(3, "custommenu")."</ul>";?> Dropdownmenu mit Untermenüs bis Untermenüebene 3 (level 3) beginnend von einem ausgeblendeten Menüeintrag:


Beispiel für "Menü bearbeiten"


-1ter Eintrag

zusätzliche Menüs sollten am Anfang definiert werden.


<?php echo buildmenuul(3, $disabledmenu);?>

dieses Beispiel würde das "custommenu nur laden, wenn wir uns auf einem Beitrag dieses Menüs befinden, laut unserem Beispiel z.B. auf 1ter Eintrag siehe auch: mehrere-Menüs-erstellen


Zusätzlich können folgende Variablen übergeben werden:




Breadcrumb Menü, ähnlich der Variable: $backlink, der HTML Code kann aber frei definiert werden: 



$html_template="<li><a href=\"%linkurl%\">%titlemenu%</a></li>";


Variablen für html_template:






<ol class=\"breadcrumb\">


<?php echo breadcrumb("<li><a href=\"%linkurl%\">%titlemenu%</a></li>");?>


<?php echo "<li class=\"active\">$titel</li>";?>





HTML Template

$html_template="<a href=\"%linkurl%\" class=\"prev_topic\">%titlemenu%</a>\n";


Variablen für html_template:





HTML Template

$html_template="<a href=\"%linkurl%\" class=\"next_topic\">%titlemenu%</a>\n";


Variablen für html_template:





mit loadcontent kann der Inhalt eines Themas eingefügt werden: somit ist es möglich im Menü einzelne Themen für Bereiche der Webseite anzulegen: z.B:




(' bedeutet: wird im Menü nicht angezeigt)

<?php echo loadcontent("additional-area");?>

Erzeugt einen Link auf einen Artikel der nicht im Menü vorkommt, z.B. für Impressum, ... (Im Editor erscheinen diese Artikel neben der Startseite)


HTML Template

$html_template="<a href=\"%linkurl%\">%title%</a>";


Variablen für html_template:







<?php echo singlelink("testlink");?>
newest($maxentries, $start, $images, $layout)

mit Newest können Artikel angezeigt werden, bei denen "Eintrag auf der Startseite" ausgewählt wurde.


Globale Variablen:




$html_template="<li class=\"newest1\"><div class=\"nimage\"><a href=\"%linkurl%\"><img width=\"150\" alt=\"%titlemenu%\" src=\"%image150%\"></a></div>
<span class=\"ndate\">%datetime%</span>
<span class=\"ndesc\"><a href=\"%linkurl%\">%titlemenu%</a></span>
<span class=\"ntext\">%textpagebreak%<span class=\"nlink\"><a href=\"%linkurl%\">%smalldescription%</a></span>


Variablen für html_template








<?php echo newest(3,0,1,12);?>

erzeugt dann 3 Newseinträge startend beim neuesten, inklusive Miniaturimages;

Layout: 12: 1erste Zeile ein Eintrag, 2te Zeile 2


<?php echo newest(3,0);?> würde nur einfach Links ohne Bilder erzeugen. 



Systemfunktionen: encodeurl / decodeurl / to_unixtime / rrmdir / multiimagerename / multiimagerotate / imagefilerotate

Placeholder html_template 

new since Version 1.40 in some Plugins the HTML Source code can be defined using the variable: $html_template see Functions

Placeholder Description Screenshot
%textpagebreak% in Editor Text: <!-- pagebreak -->
%title% in Editor: "Titel"
%titlemenu% in Editor: Titel for Menuentries (rename Entry): 
%smalldescription% in Editor: Short Descritption
%image150% Picture in Size 150px (use the image as Preview, take a look at the mousecurser in the Screenshot on the righthand-->) 
%datetime% in Editor: Date and Time 








HTML construction kit

HTML construction kit

HTML construction kit

multiple Menus

multiple Menus

multiple Menus